Francis Lessard's

BETA RELEASE - New site - Some links activated for now !!!

The Asüna Sunfire Page is the only non-commercial page I ever did!
This page was designed for Netscape 3.01 or higher, 800x600x(16bit colors) and Comic Sans Ms font

My car is an Isuzu ! *
The car's specs... *
C'mon, show it to me !
Help me solve some problems... *
Modification list
Link-O-Matik (tm) *
Don't click on this link

* : not implemented yet

This page was created to share my enthousiasm for Isuzu cars,
to tell the world that Hondas keep on seeing my tailights,
and to practice my english (please e-mail me if you see any mistakes !),

©1997 - Francis Lessard - Created April 24, 1997